Robin Currie

Robin Currie

Robin Currie

President of Currie Management Consultants, Inc. and Director of The Currie Training Center
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Robin holds a Bachelor of Arts from Simmons College in Boston.  At Simmons, Robin graduated from the Prince Program of Retail Management, and also studied marketing and foreign language.

Robin is certified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and is a facilitator for the Leadership Development Workshops. Robin is also involved in the facilitation of Best Practices Groups and is the creator and developer of The Currie Training Center.  Her depth of industry knowledge (agricultural equipment, material handling, power generation, compressors, construction machinery, commercial tires,  and more) along with her understanding of dealership/distributorship operations together with her passion for leadership development is a sought after combination.

She is in the process of moving the company forward by seeking additional business opportunities for Currie Management Consultants.  She is responsible for the company’s advertising and marketing programs, as well as the current Currie website.  In addition Robin is the founder and manager of The Currie Charitable Fund.

Besides her four children, Robin is passionate about the non-profit organization Not For Sale.  She is Director for Not For Sale Central Massachusetts, which is a global movement to end slavery.  Please visit the website for more information: In 2018, Robin published her first book, Pray Without Ceasing, which is available online for purchase.

Posts by Robin Currie

Assertive Communication (#2 in a series)

“To know oneself, one should assert oneself.” This is an interesting quote from 20th Century French philosopher and novelist Albert Camus, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Camus reportedly would not call himself an existentialist, but his followers...

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Time Management (#1 in a series)

Gravel, rocks, sand and water.  What do those items have to do with managing your time? And what is time management all about?  Here’s a crash course, with just enough information and three important Time Management methods, for you to start creating your own strategy...

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Benchmarking – what’s it all about?

Currie Management Consultants, Inc. is featuring a new two-day seminar, offered at The Currie Training Center in Worcester, Massachusetts:  Benchmarking and The Currie Financial Model. If you’re a member of a Currie Management Consultants, Inc. Best Practices Group,...

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New from the Currie Training Center

Announcing the Currie Management Consultants, Inc. Brand new two-day seminar offering: Benchmarking and the Currie Financial Model© July 18-19, 2016   This program will feature the following: Overview of a Successful Equipment Dealer Financial Benchmarking The Currie...

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Currie Article Review – “The Gospel of Wealth”

In keeping with the theme of Philosophy, the Currie team is recommending that all distributor clients read Andrew Carnegie’s piece entitled "The Gospel of Wealth".  This essay is not new (it was written in 1889), yet it is quite current.  The society which Carnegie...

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