Robin Currie

Robin Currie
President of Currie Management Consultants, Inc. and Director of The Currie Training Center
Email RobinRobin holds a Bachelor of Arts from Simmons College in Boston. At Simmons, Robin graduated from the Prince Program of Retail Management, and also studied marketing and foreign language.
Robin is certified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and is a facilitator for the Leadership Development Workshops. Robin is also involved in the facilitation of Best Practices Groups and is the creator and developer of The Currie Training Center. Her depth of industry knowledge (agricultural equipment, material handling, power generation, compressors, construction machinery, commercial tires, and more) along with her understanding of dealership/distributorship operations together with her passion for leadership development is a sought after combination.
She is in the process of moving the company forward by seeking additional business opportunities for Currie Management Consultants. She is responsible for the company’s advertising and marketing programs, as well as the current Currie website. In addition Robin is the founder and manager of The Currie Charitable Fund.
Besides her four children, Robin is passionate about the non-profit organization Not For Sale. She is Director for Not For Sale Central Massachusetts, which is a global movement to end slavery. Please visit the website for more information: In 2018, Robin published her first book, Pray Without Ceasing, which is available online for purchase.
Programs Taught by Robin Currie
Posts by Robin Currie
Currie Circadian 31: Lead the Day
Gifted leadership Wednesday April 1, 2020 How does one begin a life of leading? Are leaders born, or made? Why are some good leaders and others not? Where have you been? Do you know where you’re going? Many of the heroes of our time had no idea where they were...
From the Currie Team…
The Currie perspective on our current situation: expectations, a little history, and our commitment to you. Bostonians are an interesting and unique population, as modeled by the great founding fathers of our country. This is where it all began—with a rich history...
Currie Circadian 1313: Lead the Day
Beginnings, turning corners, accomplishing Friday March 13, 2020 Beginnings, turning corners, accomplishing Friday March 13, 2020 Managers are constantly “putting out fires”. Does this type of urgency present as obstacle to success and progress? Is there joy in your...
Benchmark, Don’t Budget!
By Robin P. Currie, image by Gerd Altmann, As we begin first quarter activities, discussions will happen about what we just went through, and what we call “Budget Time”. Budgeting is often seen as the most important exercise for any business, large or small. And,...
Revolution to Involution, and a Sneak Peek at the Circular Theory of Time
This is an article about businesses, but underneath that I present a theory on self—self as it relates to business. According to some postulates on a new law of time, true mastery is achieved by activities such as involution, reflection, meditation, and...
Mastering Growth and the Spirit of Business
“But the disciplined self, moving among sense-objects with senses free from attraction and repulsion, mastered by the SELF, goeth to Peace”. The Bhagavad Gita, 4th Edition, as stated in the Second Discourse, Line 64. The 2019 Currie Leadership Development Program is...