Revenue Growth – Currie’s Strategic Plan and Growth Theme for 2017
2017 is all about Revenue Growth. As we are finishing up 2016, let’s think about how we are going to manage our growth this coming year, and how we are going to continue to pursue not just excellence, but a new level of distinction for our companies. How do we...
Client Spotlight
2017 is all about Revenue Growth. As we are finishing up 2016, let’s think about how we are going to manage our growth this coming year, and how we are going to continue to pursue not just excellence, but a new level of distinction for our companies. How do we...
Announcing the new Currie Training Center website
Exciting things are happening, and The Currie Training Center is growing rapidly. Have you hired some new manager(s)? Are you an executive looking for deeper Currie Model training? Are you promoting some people, or looking to develop your succession plan? These...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WALK FREE: Local activist to walk 500 miles for global slavery and human trafficking Worcester, Massachusetts – September 1, 2016 – On Oct. 15, Robin P. Currie of Worcester, Massachusetts will undertake a 500-mile journey on foot from Portland,...
Currie Team supports the fight against human trafficking
Just giving everyone an update on the latest Currie community service project! In October, I will be walking from Portland Maine to Washington DC (over 500 miles) to raise awareness about domestic and global slavery and human trafficking. Follow the action by liking...
Currie Focuses on Service – Part 2
As promised, here's the second piece of the two-part article that Bob wrote about Service Department metrics and profitability. For a complete immersion into the best practices of service department management, according to The Currie Model, we recommend attending our...
Currie Focuses on Service
Here's a piece that Bob wrote a while back. He dives into critical measures that will assist you in boosting your Service Department's net profit. In today's marketplace, the Service Department is the leading profit center and this article contains helpful...
Assertive Communication (#2 in a series)
“To know oneself, one should assert oneself.” This is an interesting quote from 20th Century French philosopher and novelist Albert Camus, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Camus reportedly would not call himself an existentialist, but his followers...
2016 Recipient of the Robert P. Currie Scholarship
Congratulations to Peter Bilzerian of Holden, Massachusetts. Peter is 18 years old and will be attending The Rochester Institute of Technology. This dynamic young man has an impressive list of successful endeavors. On top of numerous academic awards and holding...
Wrestling Fans?? Smackdown here in Worcester!
The good news: WWE Smackdown is here in Worcester on July 19. If you are attending the Currie Benchmarking and Financial Model Seminar, you should know that Smackdown is the night before the seminar so the timing couldn’t be more perfect! The not-so-good news: the...