
Currie’s Q1 Article and Review

The Currie team is kicking off the New Year with an important, and timely, article endorsement for all of our industrial equipment firms who are in the throes of multi-generational structuring, and succession planning.  In other words, almost ALL of our distributor...

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Currie Featured Programs Winter 2015

Winter is definitely upon us, as the Currie team is digging out from Blizzard 2015. In spite of that, we are looking forward to the end of winter and would like to update you with two of our upcoming featured programs. The Overview of a Successful Distributor© Seminar...

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Currie’s Q4 Article Review

Currie Management Consultants, Inc.’s 4th Quarter recommended reading is an article in the MIT Sloan Management Review entitled Can You Measure Leadership? In the article, Robert Gandossy and Robin Guarnieri address the urgency, as well as the accompanying challenges,...

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Special Offer: “Leadership Skills” program

The first offering of Currie's newest two-day seminar was a great success.  And now we're offering the seminar once more this year.  Accompanying this program is another great Special Pricing Offer.  For details, please click here - Leadership Skills Program Offer...

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Leadership Skills Seminar

If you missed the June offering - here's another chance to attend the Currie Leadership Skills Seminar:  November 6-7, 2014.  This is the last offering of the program for this year.  Information and registration are available by clicking here.  Call or email if you...

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