Gifted leadership Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Are your people in fear mode? Have national and global crises caused instability? Is the future looming with unidentified threats? At this time, during a global pandemic, we look to our leaders for steadfast bravery. We’ve...
Gifted leadership Tuesday, July 14, 2020 What assignment are we on? Do we know the directive? Is the team focused on the goal? All too often the instruction communicated from the top isn’t quite the same by the time it reaches the front line. Things can get lost in...
Gifted leadership Monday, May 11, 2020 Where did that come from? What did he mean? Why would she say that? Marcellus would refer to this as something rotten in the state of Denmark”[1]. These questions above often come to mind when someone has thrown us a curve...
Gifted leadership Thursday, May 7, 2020 “Surety brings ruin.” But don’t take my word for it–ask Socrates. Your business is as sacred as the temple of Apollo. Within your walls, do you hear the voices of the Oracles? Are they guiding you to lead through...
Gifted leadership Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Have things slipped through the cracks? Are you shaking your head? Throwing up your hands? Do you find your team at a loss for words? Something’s gone wrong! Sometimes the numbers just don’t add up. That is not a...