Featured Program:

Benchmarking and the Currie Financial Model

This program is coming up very soon!  September 14-15 are the dates, and this Seminar is presented by Robin Currie.  There are still plenty of spots open so register here:  http://currietrainingcenter.com/registration/ and choose Benchmarking from the dropdown menu (it should be your first option).  After we receive your registration, we will contact you to discuss payment options and accommodations.

Other programs:  Please visit our Schedule of Events page to see what’s happening (and there’s a lot!).  Highlights for the upcoming season are:

  • Leadership Development 2018–one year program. Begins February 12th-13th, 2018 and registration is now open.


  • Leadership with Intention and Purpose—NEW PROGRAM!! By Robin Currie. The dates for this seminar are October 12th-13th.


  • Currie Best Practices Summit—first of its kind, multi industry event in Dallas, Texas November 7th-8th. Learn more by visiting the Currie Conferences website.

Visit the Currie Training Center website to see it all!