Good leaders benefit tremendously from strong mentors. Let’s think about some leaders who are trailblazers for generations to come.  Harriett Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Teresa come to mind as mega leaders. But does someone like MLK present as too strong a mentor for us? Is the power of a good leader quite intimidating to us “regular” people? I would venture to say that it is. What if we, instead, observed and studied the methodology of Martin Luther King, Jr. and learned what he did that made him unforgettable? He is truly a leader who continues to lead long after his assassination. Who is your mentor? Who has great footsteps that you would love to walk in? Have courage and follow. Leaders are also followers, as followers can also lead.

All great leaders appear undaunted in their purpose or mission–but perhaps they were, as are you and I at times. Yet they did it anyway—they committed themselves in devotion to their chosen path. And there are good mentors, who have done the exact same thing, right here in our circle—our dealership, our customer base, our family, and our friends. Find your path, take courage, then allow yourself to stand in the footsteps of the giants who are all around you.
