Service Department Profitability…don’t miss it!
Register now for next month’s two-day Currie seminar at The Currie Training Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. Here’s what we’ll cover: Overview of a Successful Equipment Dealer High Performing Executives Service Department Profitability The Currie Financial Model...
Reason #349B to attend the Currie Best Practices Summit–“Learn from the Best”
Reason #349B to attend the Currie Best Practices Summit— Register now for the 2017 Currie Best Practices Summit. Bob Currie will be leading Breakout Session B. Evolving Leadership Roles as Companies Grow is specifically for Deader Principles and Dealership...
Special Announcement–Lead Like Jesus
Robin Currie is now certified to facilitate Ken Blanchard’s Lead Like Jesus Leadership Program. Here’s a quick description of what this is all about: What makes Lead Like Jesus different? Our Framework. We believe skills and knowledge can’t replace character and...
FREE Webinar – Benchmarking and the Currie Financial Model
Free Live Webinar offered by Robin Currie, of Currie Management Consultants, Inc. Please join me on Tuesday, September 5th at 11:00 AM Eastern Time for a free, live, one-hour webinar that will take you through the foundation of The Currie Financial Model. Learn what...
Reason #7 to Attend the Currie Best Practices Summit
You Better Be Right In honor of Bob Currie’s obsession with sports, the Currie Team has secured a guest speaker for this year’s best Practices Summit who is sure to please! Richard Burleson is a best-selling author of You Better be Right – 7 Steps to Success. In his...
Reason #11C to attend the Currie Best Practices Summit, by Robin Currie
"What would it look like" (quoting our fearless leader Bob Currie) to intentionally align our business practices with spiritual principles? What is really happening in our world today? And how do we continue to implement and enjoy an enlightened business model in a...
News from The Currie Training Center
Featured Program: Benchmarking and the Currie Financial Model This program is coming up very soon! September 14-15 are the dates, and this Seminar is presented by Robin Currie. There are still plenty of spots open so register here: ...
In loving memory of Felix Vanholsbeeck
Written by Michelle Currie: Felix came into our lives during our association with Bandag Europe. He immediately won us over with his knowledge and wit. The three of us traveled throughout Europe with Felix as our connection to the clients, their countries, and their...
Organizational Culture: Does it Matter? Can it be Managed?
By John VanDeusen, Executive Partner at Currie Management Consultants Also, published at In this post, I’ll answer three key questions: What is organizational culture? Why does it matter? Can it really be managed and, if so, how? I’ve been noticing an...
Photo Contest!
Want to attend a two seminar at The Currie Training Center for free? Send us your photo! Currie Management Consultants, Inc. is proud of the great work being done by dealer clients across North America. Send us your favorite photo of your food drives, community...