
From the Currie Team…

The Currie perspective on our current situation:  expectations, a little history, and our commitment to you. Bostonians are an interesting and unique population, as modeled by the great founding fathers of our country.  This is where it all began—with a rich history...

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Currie Circadian 1313: Lead the Day

Beginnings, turning corners, accomplishing Friday March 13, 2020 Beginnings, turning corners, accomplishing Friday March 13, 2020 Managers are constantly “putting out fires”.  Does this type of urgency present as obstacle to success and progress?  Is there joy in your...

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A Sales Management Refresher From the Desk of Robert P. Currie

From the Desk of Robert P. Currie After 40 years of consulting to manufacturers and distribution companies, the changes in sales and sales management have been dramatic (technology) and surprisingly minimal (behaviors) at the same time. The sports analogy for this is...

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Benchmark, Don’t Budget!

By Robin P. Currie, image by Gerd Altmann, As we begin first quarter activities, discussions will happen about what we just went through, and what we call “Budget Time”.  Budgeting is often seen as the most important exercise for any business, large or small.  And,...

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Mastering Growth and the Spirit of Business

“But the disciplined self, moving among sense-objects with senses free from attraction and repulsion, mastered by the SELF, goeth to Peace”.  The Bhagavad Gita, 4th Edition, as stated in the Second Discourse, Line 64. The 2019 Currie Leadership Development Program is...

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Q3 2018 Article Review: “No Means No”, by Robin Currie

Here’s the Quarterly Article Recommendation for third quarter, from the Currie Team.  Please read this profile by Marcel Schwantes, entitled “Warren Buffett Says This 1 Simple Habit Separates Successful People From Everyone Else”.  The priceless words of Mr. Buffett...

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Leaders and Heros by Robin Currie

Leaders and Heroes in the Equipment Dealership   What are the Jungian Archetypes, and how do we connect them to management and executive leadership at our dealership?  Why would we want to?  Self-awareness is a critical skill in which all successful leaders must...

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Summer at the Currie Training Center

Summer training is scheduled!  July is packed!  Some of the summer programs may not be offered again this year so please send your new hires, rising managers, and those seeking additional operational training!   Our top three programs are being offered in July (please...

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